12oz Standard Brite Can (aTULC) - White, Glossy

Sale price$739.10
Pallet: 10 Layers / 3890 Cans
Maximum Order Qty: 6
Quantity Available: 12

American Canning is now manufacturing aTULC cans (aluminum Toyo Ultimate Can) in Austin, TX. aTULC is an award winning can, specifically designed to better accommodate brands in 'hard-to-hold' beverage categories - cider, wine, cocktails, cannabis, etc.

Rather than applying internal-only coatings by high-speed spray application, aTULC cans are made from pre-coated aluminum sheet. This creates a more consistent and robust barrier between the raw aluminum and the can contents, internally and externally, which is particularly beneficial for storing higher-acidity products. Pre-coating also eliminates the need for water and any lubricating or washing chemicals within the manufacturing process. Added benefits of the aTULC liner include minimal flavor absorption and drastically increased shelf-stability for hard-to-hold products.

If you've ever struggled with can corrosivity and pin hole leaks, it's best to evaluate 'product-to-package compatibility. Read more+

aTULC 211 body-diameter, 12oz brite cans are manufactured in Austin, TX and are compatible with 202 end-diameter lids. Pallets are shipped on one way dunnage, with protective packaging for maximum LTL shipping efficiency. Available to order in 10 layer or 18 layer pallets. For printed can and/or truckload quantity inquiries, contact us.