The Machine to Flock to
AT-6: Filler/Seamer
Reliably packaging at 60 cans per minute, the AT-6 offers unparalleled speed for its compact footprint (65” X 23”) allowing users to establish or expand their packaging operations without having to compromise on quality or space. While the calling card of the AT-6 is the ability to fill a can per second, its dual-lane setup allows users to start as low as 30 cans per minute and grow at their own pace. Surprisingly for a machine of its power and speed, the AT-6 is easy to move and simple to maintain. American Canning’s newest machine release, encapsulates years of packaging learning surrounding speed, scale, and precision control – all within a cost-effective, compact, easy-to-approach, easy-to-maintain design.
The Only Beverage Can for Hard to Hold Brands
Multiple trails comparing can integrity and shelf-life performance show aTULC cans outlast BPANI and epoxy cans.
The results starkly reveal risks associated with subpar product compatibility and variability in can liners: leaky product, altered taste, lost batches, and potential safety concerns.
Protect your brand and customers.
BPANI : Spirits RTD
aTULC : Spirits RTD